The Dignity Act Now Collective (DANC) was formed by a group of impacted Black activists and artists. What started as a campaign around the Dignity for Incarcerated Women Act of Pennsylvania, led to the formation of a statewide collective. They began to shape and amend policies for change. By working with their local legislators both in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia they crafted 3 pieces of policy.

  • ombudsmen HB999
  • Formerly Incarcerated Mentorship Program HB 1002
  • Trauma Informed Care HB 1014

They took them to Harrisburg and got them introduced along with the package of legislation, the Dignity for Incarcerated Women Act of Pennsylvania.

Although this was not sufficient in addressing the root causes of gender based violence, and the persecution of the gender oppressed, the need for systemic change in the conditions of women prisons must be dismantled on all levels the system of criminalizing black Womxn trans and non-binary people must occur politically, socially, mentally and spiritually. Through shared experiences, vision and the collective voices of those most impacted by this public health crisis are raising awareness and building power for the underserved.


Madusa Carter
Kris Keen
Dana Lomax-Williams
Mary Enoch Elizabeth Baxter
Rachel Santiago
Melannie Taylor